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ROI Based on Actual Spend

Email opens and clicks, social media analytics, and more. This is the first piece of the puzzle. A good start, a good foundation, but this is only the beginning. What is missing? Well for starters actual spend!

So you compelled a prospect to click on something. Getting better, but we need more data to truly understand your campaign ROI. Good to know what is drawing them closer to a purchase, especially if you have multiple calls-to-action. We are making progress.

The campaign is over, your prospects have “converted” to customer status. Now we leverage the Clairvoyix Knowledge Factory to take a deep dive into their spend across all revenue buckets. We count every dollar, so why not include it in your ROI analysis? This information is vital for future campaigns. This is also where campaign expenses should be inserted in order to fully understand the ROI at the campaign level.

You have the customer’s total spend, what else is there? Well if your CRM vendor supplies you with an expensive system they want you to stop before the puzzle is complete. But ROI has that “I” in the acronym. As the leading provider of enterprise class marketing automation systems we want our clients to know when they stop paying for the system and start making money. This is true ROI, this is the final piece of the puzzle – ROI you will be proud to present to your CFO.